Cathy Savage Classic Fitness Membership

Hi! Its me!! ​Cathy Savage

I am so thrilled that you are thinking of working with me! Whether you ​were a part of the Sisterhood before or you are brand new, I can not wait to ​help you reach your goals! The Sisterhood membership is so much better ​than it used to be! You check in weekly with me and I create a program that ​applies only to you! Customized Training and Nutrition based on where ​you are at and where you want to go! No deprivation, no counting numbers- ​just a simple plan that aligns with your life! Trust me, when you reach a ​certain point in your life, things that used to work, don’t work anymore. ​This is where we find what works best you!


Weekly Email Check-ins with Cathy for nutritionand training customization.

Add a monthly Private Zoom with Cathy in addition to your weekly email checkins

Commit to a year of coaching and save over $200

Client Testimonials

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While working with Cathy, I believed that my goals would be possible because ​of the path that she so tangibly showed us all. Cathy literally breathes life into ​your being. I can still pinpoint massive shifts back to working with her.

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Cathy’s Zone of Genius is finding your hidden potential and seeing the path to unlock the ​possibilities in your health and in business. She has a unique gift to bust through your ​limiting beliefs and achieve what you never thought was possible.

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Working with Cathy has been truly transformative. I first hired Cathy for wellness. She ​curated a program specific to me and my needs with my health first! She has counseled me ​on all heatlh and career moves and I can not think of a better decision when choosing a ​mentor

About Cathy...

Cathy is considered to be the pioneer of heath & fitness coaching and lifestyle transformation mentorship, with over ​35 years of experience for helping women get into the best shape of their life and be their healthiest self!

She was the first person to create a team concept of competitors in the sport of competitive fitness and her coaching ​style has been documented on various television shows and magazine publications.

Cathy has had record breaking success and her client roster has been a “who’s who” of the fitness world. Cathy has ​also coached thousands of women through transformation challenges with her signature “health first” strategy.

From professional athletes to women who simply want to rock a bikini on the beach during their vacation, to women ​who want to look amazing in their professional clothes for that big job interview, to women who want to simply have ​better doctor appointment results or rock their menopause years, Cathy has helped women of all ages, shapes and ​sizes reach their optimal level of health!

Cathy’s current coaching programs are highly customized (now more than ever) and her roster is limited in numbers to ​assure each client receives first class service and mentorship.